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Breeding Red Forset Jewel

auToeXeC w0rm

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Hello peers and staff of ACE

I have just started breeding red jewels.

i have them in a 2ft fish thank

water is at 7ph level, water temp is 27 - 28

i have a black sheet off the tank and sides only half way over the top tho. to stop the light from getting in..

I have a flat small plate in the tank under the rocks so it is a flat surface in the tank..

But i don't have any hiding spots or rocks etc in the tank ???

male is about 7-8cm

He is showing his breeding colors, he's dark just about black/red

female is about 6-7cm

She is showing her breeding colors, she's a bright red

also her belly is fatter them him

So i know there ready to breed :) :) :)

i was looking for some tips and help on getting them to breed better etc

i have just got them home today

i will upload some photos soon of them in the tank

also what is the best for feeding them when there breeding & the fry ?

Thank you

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You could try feeding the parents some bloodworms/brine shrimp occasionaly and that could get them to breed. As for the fry baby brine shrimp is always good for them to start off on.

But you should really have some caves in your tank just incase the female is not ready to breed when he is and she can then duck for cover if need be.

Hope that helps,


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You could try feeding the parents some bloodworms/brine shrimp occasionaly and that could get them to breed. As for the fry baby brine shrimp is always good for them to start off on.

But you should really have some caves in your tank just incase the female is not ready to breed when he is and she can then duck for cover if need be.

Hope that helps,


Thank you so much man

well i have a skull that is abit big..

i mite put that in there ..

They both can fit in the eyes and mouth of the skull .. ??

Do you know any where i can find good info on them about breed?


when they breed do they lay eggs straight away or hold them for abit then lay them..

will she lay in the skull or on the plate i have setup as it is a flat surface..

Thank you soo much :)

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Loook i have breed jewels for a year and i had them in a african tank at ph of 8.2

so that's no issue

What i had was a 2ft/2ft/2ft divison of a 6ft tank . i had glass bottom and a rock with a piece of slate on top to make a cave and spawning site. !!! the slate needs to be on an angle of 45 !!!! .

You will also need somewhere, to seperate the pair, as they will fight with each other. the mother will raise the fry and seperate the male as soon as the female attcks him.

i had a glass bottom as when the fry hatch the mother takes the in her mouth and spits them into a corner to protect them in a group so it might be a good idea. this also allows you to later, remove the female and rock to grow the fry in that tank saving the fuss of moving the tiny fry.

if you want to encourage them to breed BLOODWORMS and try spiralina (a mineral in algea discs)

you will have about 500 eggs and don't worry about disterbing the spawning by coming into the room I VIDEO THE SPAWN ON A CAMCORDER just don't get to close they will get angry and hit the glass.

they will hatch in 3 days and be free swiming in a later 5. once free swiming it is best to carefully feed them crushed flakes (drop some big pelets for the female) or liquid fry food (a product i found, hard to get)

them feed then anything but better qulity food in small doses (3 times a day) will make the sellable in 2 months

hope that helps it's alot of experience and i hope you enjoy it


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Thank you for the help man :) ..

:) i will leave them for abit and see how they go :) if they dont breed ill get the rocked at the button of the tank out so it is glass button and get the skull or a big rock in there :)

Thank you so much..

my ph test level shows blue about 7 i think

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:( :( :( she die..

She turned all white on one side " over nite "

:( i think she was trying to lay egg and got infected or some think like that,

I dont know

but i have a new female coming in 4days she is abit nig then the old one that just die :(

:rip: :(

but do you think they will pair up like the old male and new female ?

Thank you for all the help tho :(

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