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Thank you everybody,

The bigger fish are in a 6x2x2 and the smaller ones are in a 2ft cube for growing out, I'm going to need a bigger tank in future but as of now my house is just not big enough to get one so once they get too big i've got people in line to take them :( hopefully i'll get a new house by then.

Dats breeding? never heard of anybody achieving this, but wouldn't that be nice!

There is another clown loach in there somewhere but they wouldn't mind some friends to come and visit tho D6C1 ;)

Dats are my favourite any body else got one? share some pics

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I think he is a she at about 30cm I call her lucky because i saved it from certain death twice from once escaping the tank and other time swallowing an oscar that was too big for her and looked like she'd carked it, I had to get pliers out to remove the oscar it was jammed pretty tight, so lucky is its name.

I wonder if there will be a third time lucky? :lol3:

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I think he is a she at about 30cm I call her lucky because i saved it from certain death twice from once escaping the tank and other time swallowing an oscar that was too big for her and looked like she'd carked it, I had to get pliers out to remove the oscar it was jammed pretty tight, so lucky is its name.

I wonder if there will be a third time lucky? :lol3:

She's do make better display fish IMO bigger wider and larger heads :thumb. At 30cm it should be easy to tell.

They sure do have eyes to big for there mouths. I have a friend who lost a green aro the same way you lost your oscar it just got passed the aro gills before getting stuck was found to late for the aro.

I may as well say it but i prefer more cichlids than oriental fish.

Yeah right give me a Peacock or Pseudotropheus over these guys any day :wallbash:


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Oh I dunno... Dovii, splendita & cichla would fit right in - you know, real cichlids? ;)

There is a RD in there too


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Thanks guys,

Alex there is only a hand full of people on our local forum keep the rarer stuff, as far as i can see it would only me you (alex), dr14gonf14sh, spilo, steve and simon.Theres a few catching on starting on saratogas and the more common tb's shouldn't be too long before they get into the rarer stuff.

Its good too see TB keepers growing i would like too see more of it. :thumbup:

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