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Amateur pics


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Hi All,

these are some pics of my female festae. I purchased a group of 5 @ 4-5cm, 1 and a 1/2 yrs ago, from various lfs' trying to pick out females at that size :lol3: to put with my lovely male. I was lucky enough to end up with 4 females and 1 male. The male i gave to my brother and 1 female died which left me with 3. 2 of the females grew very quickly, but had very dull color. I let the largest breed with my "prize" male, and the breeding colors were very disappointing. I ended up keeping the runt of the group and she has grown to about 12-13cm. I got some shots of her the other night, they are very amateur :lol2: but give you an idea............well im in love :lol3: i hope you like too?

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And the cuban getting in on the action :roll

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I cant wait till i put her with her male :thumbup:


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