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Help with ID of Victorian

Fish Antics

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Could some one please help me correctly identify this victorian. I purchased it as an A. Brownae but am uncertain that it is.

IPB Image

Any assistance would be appreciated as they have spawned and do not want to pass on fry without knowing for sure.



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Thanks for the responces everyone.

Do you believe it is a cross or an actual flame back. Most pictures of flamebacks show a lot more colouration, may just be a locality.


Tony :)

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Scientific name is Pundamilia nyereri, the majority of flamebacks in Oz look like that, a little washed out. I believe it is just from a lack of new blood over the years. I did get onto a strain a couple of years ago of superb quality, looked just like the pics you see in the states. They were a 'makobe island' locality. Bloody awesome fish.

I think it would be safe to sell these fry as flamebacks. Can't see anyone having a problem with that.



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Thanks Guys. Still not 100%sure exactly what it is, as has been mentioned there are a lot of victorians that look similar and also a number of variants of the same species which makes it hard. I have included a couple of more pictures that are a bit better I think!

IPB Image

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Tony :)

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