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where to strip venustus?


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My female venustus has been holding again for around 10-11 days, and I can now see little black dots in her mouth which I assume are eyes of the new fry. As far as I can tell, they've still got their egg sacks but possibly not for much longer.

She's starting to look tired after holding for almost 2 weeks although thankfully my male hasn't beaten her up this time so thats a good start as well.

I'd like to strip her possibly tonight to give her a break, but am curious where to do it. I'm guessing option 1 would be best for the fry, but what are your thoughts?

1. Setup spare 2ft tank with water from their existing 4ft and let her spit naturally in there. Then raise the fry until they're around 2-3cm before moving to the growout tank (PH is around 0.5 lower, same temps). Filtration with a foam filter to prevent any 'filtered fry'.

2. Move her to the growout tank mentioned in (1), there's only a handful of 4cm peppermints in there so the fry would probably be fine.

3. Strip her and put the fry in a fry saver in the growout tank.

4. Strip her and put the fry in a fry saver in the spare 2ft with water from her existing.

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Rightio, to save any other replies I've decided to go with number 1 because its probably the safest & least stressful option for both mother & fry.

Fingers crossed they're all good, last time my male failed to bother fertilising the eggs (lazy bugger!)

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Option 1 does sound good but you should use a very fine net because you'll find that she will more than likely spit them.

If she does spit and they have their egg sacs don't stress too much, just make sure that there is a little bit of flow around their tank. You would be better off having no substrate in the tank



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Thanks for the replies... I'm thinking of trying to scoop her into something that holds water instead of the net but I don't know how successful I'll be. I think I'll probably have the net or a siphon tube ready nearby in case i need to catch anything she spits.

Birthing tank will be a 2ft simply running a large sponge filter & I'm removing all the old substrate before filling with the water she's been in the whole time.

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Sounds like a plan

good luck mate :thumb

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She moved without much fuss at all, didn't spit even though she decided to refuse to go into the new tank for a minute or so. Seems happy as far as I can tell, will post photos when she spits :)

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you could do 2 but the female might at the peppermints if its a bare tank.

try to provide hiding spots and turn the lights off for longer and don't stress her out.

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Well she spat them only a day later & I left her in there for 1 more day because she was holding them again before I went to bed that night - so I figured letting her relax & hold one more night was better than force stripping.

That was a few weeks ago, and now have around 30 growing very quickly around 12 - 18mm :) No deaths either (as far as I can see).

damn those fry savers!!!!!!!!

Well I guess it saved them for her :)

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