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Peacock lossing its Gums


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It seems that my male peacock of 12 cm has a problem with its mouth. some days are worse then others. It looks like its mouth lining near its lips is breaking up.

When its bad bits of lip or skin go in and out of his mouth as he sucks water in and out of his mouth.

The photo below is not the worse he gets.

Any suggestions?

IPB Image


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Looks like he might need some chapstick. Lol.

Does he still act normal eg eat properly?

Could it be from him fighting other fish?

When was the last water change?

You could also try just some melafix or the sort in the tank or remove him to his own tank.

By the way how long did it take you to get that shot?


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Shot took about 1/20 of a second mate.

Was doing a round of macro photos for up coming photo comp. When does that start anyway?

Still acts completely normal and eats the same.

Only differenct ive noticed was that after i put river sand in recently (after i noticed this) it was getting large mouth fuls of sand and spitting them out.

Hasnt been figting any other fish. There is only one other female of same size.

+other African which it doesnt fight with.

Last water change was on week end. 25 % change

Also What is Melafix?

Ill be Getting Some NLF soon the Strong garlic one so that should fix him well and proper.

All water premeters are ok. Ph could be a little bit higher but its not low by any means.


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