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First successful brood of fry


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Well after much experimentation i have had my first successful batch of fry. :clap

I have just stripped 25 healthy fry from my female maingano after she held for about 20 days, most have basically no sack left at all with a few having very small ones, she was starting to look very thin so i thought i would help her along. This was the first time i stripped a fish before and while the actually stripping part was easy i could have done it a whole lot better as to not stress the mum out.

I just need some tips on what to do with mum and fry now as im going to be in this same situation next week with a holding interruptus i have so would like things to run more smoothly.

I have the fry in a fry saver in the main tank and have put mum back in with the rest of the colony, she is hiding in a pot at the moment and looks pretty stressed out but the rest of the fish arent bothering her. I tried feeding her but she wasnt interested, so i turned off the lights and ill ty again in the morning, is there anything else i can do?

Also i have no fry food so if someone could reccomend something that would be great, im the the west so anything i could pick up from the LFS's in auburn or canley vale will do.



PS: Im so excited :thumbup:

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Congrats mate! :clap:thumbup:

You can start the fry off on crushed pellets or whatever you have been feeding the parents for now. I personally use NLS Grow formula for my fry but if I don't have any I put my 3mm pellets (NLS too) through the pepper grinder.

If you have another small tank or another fry saver you should put the mum in there so she doesn't get beaten up by the other fish. Keeping her seperate gives her a chance to build up some strength before she goes back with the others.

Don't worry about her not eating yet as she still needs to get used to not having the fry in her mouth.



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congrats on the newborns mate

keep up the good work :clap

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