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1st pic; There are six 4 footers on the rack and they are the breeding tanks and also for some juvies too.

2nd and 3rd pic; Thats currently the quarantine tank, it will eventually be another fry grow out tank.

4th pic; The fry tank on top and a sump underneath.

5th pic; A divided 3 footer for Black calvus fry at their various stages until they are moved on to what is currently the quaratine tank.

Thanks for the comments! :lol1:

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Looks really well done. How long did that take to build?

It didn't take too long to set up. I got the racks, tanks and plumbing from an lfs which was moving. I replumbed the whole lot, removed then replaced the bulkhead fittings to ensure they were perfect and then got her all running.


and the pix are good quality for a camera...lol

I thought that too. I wish mine would take that good of quality pics.

I also forgot to add that is a nice multie setup they must love it.

The phone is a Nokia 6300, pretty happy with the pic quality too.

Thanks again for the comments.


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Great pictures from a phone camera! How are the calvus fry growing? I found that once they got to a decent size (ie big enough to eat a variety of foods) their growth was a little less frustrating.

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Great pictures from a phone camera! How are the calvus fry growing? I found that once they got to a decent size (ie big enough to eat a variety of foods) their growth was a little less frustrating.

I'm still finding it a bit frustrating but they are great fish to look at as fry. My biggest ones from their first brood since I've had them are 2cm. and the smallest ones from their latest lot are only about 4mm.

I'm feeding mine on nls grow. Have you had success with anything else? I'm a bit too nervous to really try anything else yet.

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I've been a bit cautious when feeding calvus hard pellets, especially ones that are a bit too big proportionally to them as a couple of my calvus developed lock jaw from trying to eat them (ie 3-4cm fish kept trying to eat NLS Cichlid sized pellets). They take to small earthworms, chopped prawns and other frozen foods like bloodworms and brineshrimp fairly well, but as a staple I fed them crushed NLS Grow and whatever flake food I had. There are decent commerical feeds available with around 55-59% min protein at a cheaper price and at the right size too.

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