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Oscars not eating


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Hi there. I am still very new to the fish scene only been playing for about a year now. Currentely i have 9 tanks and more to come. My main problem is that i have just moved into my own home and since i moved all my tanks my oscars have decided to not eat properly. Previously they were in a 4x2x2 with various other americans but i have moved them into a 3x2x2 on their own. Previously they would scoff down 6-8 6mm pellets each followed by 8-10 mealworms each. Now i am lucky to see them even eat one mealworm (their favourite food). I have heard about oscars being sooks before but this is ridiculous i moved house just over 2 weeks ago and still no signs of hunger. Any help would be appreciated as i love these fish and have owned them since they were an inch long which was when i got my first (of many im sure) tank.

Thanks in advance

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make sure therer isn't anything wrong after the move eg: filters re-cycling & ammonia spice causing white spot etc.

Odds on tho they are just being sooks, 2 weeks isn't that long really - you'd be surprised how long they can go without food.

Give them time

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I have actually transferred 50% of the tank water from their previous tank in the move for them plus i have used the exact same filter that they had before to keep the same water conditions as before yet they want to be fussy. I guess i will have to be a little more patient and see how they are doing in another couple of weeks. But on the upside one of them did just try to eat some bloodworms

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Actually, don't offer them any food at all for 3-4 days, then offer whatever you want to feed them

try training them instead of letting them train you

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but it hurts they are normally gutsy little buggers. I will try my best to be patient and persistent. It is hard to find american fans here in bris but i bet you find it harder up there in towny

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  • 2 weeks later...

basicly every thing everone hastold is true.

but it depends on your relationship with the oscar, each one is different.

When mine is sad it lies on its side (playing dead) and only eats when i turn around to my other tanks.

cheeky little bugger he is only 8 months old.

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  • 1 month later...

JUst as an update the oscars are now back ina 4x2x2 with the breeding pair of cons and brasiliensis that they grew up with and are now gutsing themselves and dancing to each other and digging a pit. Maybe they were a pair but were sooking when they lost their friends ( who they nearly killed ). I now love them again and thanks to the responses


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