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Hints on keeping Tropheus..


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Just looking for some hints and tips on keeping tropheus..




40-50% weekly water changes

ph 8-9

low nitrates (aim for less than 20ppm)

tank at least 4 foot long (larger than standard width and height highly recommended)

stable diet on good quality foods such as New Life Spectrum or high quality flake foods

never ever feed blood worms etc, they are vegetarians

keep stress levels low

There are heaps of other things you can do but that's a good start.....



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What Shane has mentioned are all good comments and that website is great. I feed my a vege flake and they love it in qood qualiy water. Another thing to consider is to also buy a minimum amount of fish. It does depend on the varient but I would look at buying 20 or 30 fry from the outset to let them grow up together so have a couple of rock piles some males can take over a certain area. I am stll very new to tropheus but they have me hook line and sinker.



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