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feeding catfish in a malawi tank


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;) Hi everyone,

I have a 6ft tank and have 10 2-3cm bristlenose, a pleco and a yoyo loach in there I am trying to feed them I put some cucumber on a fork and drop it in however the cichlids are eating the cucumber more than the catfish. HELP how can I feed my catfish??????


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;) Hi everyone,

I have a 6ft tank and have 10 2-3cm bristlenose, a pleco and a yoyo loach in there I am trying to feed them I put some cucumber on a fork and drop it in however the cichlids are eating the cucumber more than the catfish. HELP how can I feed my catfish??????


Catfish are known to be nocturnal so feed them at night and your problem should be solved.

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;) Hi everyone,

I have a 6ft tank and have 10 2-3cm bristlenose, a pleco and a yoyo loach in there I am trying to feed them I put some cucumber on a fork and drop it in however the cichlids are eating the cucumber more than the catfish. HELP how can I feed my catfish??????


Catfish are known to be nocturnal so feed them at night and your problem should be solved.

Yep! At night when the lights are off.. that helps too :lol3:

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I add the vegies just before lights out. If you feed them after lights out it tends to really spook the fish and I don't like to have them bashing into the sides of the tank.

The vegies are good for the cichlids as well.

PS. Zucchini, pumpkin, sweet potato as well as lebanese cucumber can be fed to your whiskered ones.

cya Matthew

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