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My New Fish Room


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Its been a while in planning but its finally finished..

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Sulfur Crested Lithobate Colony

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Multifasciatus Colony

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Venustus Colony

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Blue Dolphin Colony

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Young 7 Bar Kigoma Frontosa

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Grow Out Tub, Breeding Pair of Pepps and L052

Hope you all like. Love to hear some feedback and ideas.


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Thanks everyone for your replys. I am really happy with how it has all turned out and im having great breeding success down there already. Took a while to convince the parents to let me build it, but they are very impressed and love taking people down there to show them.

It took ages to source all the fish too i was very fussy with them but am really happy with what i have ended up with.

All the tank background and a blue oil based paint and im also very happy with how they have come up.

Thanks again.

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Not even close mate. Everything i have bought to get it all up and running properly has cost me a fair bit even with the great prices through AOA. I spared no expense with all the products. I hope one day i might be able to make back most of the money from setting it up.

I just love going down there and seeing them breeding and happy so money really isnt an insentive i just love keeping fish and watching them grow and breed.

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congrats on the fish room. looks really good. i like the fact all the tanks are decorated and consistent across the racks. looks like you got a whole bunch of good stock fish too.

how you filtering it all.. i can see alot of cables etc etc... i was thinking if you can run common water in groups, you could cut down on bills to help with the on going cost.. unless you insulate the room?

how did ya paint the background.. its a nice blue too

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Cant remember where it is exactly just have a look in the white pages.

Im running a few cannisters, 3 aqua clear hob's and a fair few sponge filters, all seems to be working well as water quality is staying very good.

I just used a paint roller and rolled it onto the backs of the tanks, after 2 coats it ends up perfect.

The room is fully insulated through the walls and is holding the heat very well which is a bonus.

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Looks great :clap

I like seeing nice, neat and clean fishrooms. Mine is anything but that.

Well done on not cutting corners as well. Someway or another we always regret it in the future. I say do it once and do it well, which you seem to have done.


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