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My 4ft Tank


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Hi All! I've been on here for a little while and thought it was about time I contributed! I'm relatively new to cichlids (1 year)! and it has become some what addictive! I went from one 3ft tank 1 year ago to six tanks now! (1 x 3ft, 1 x 2.5ft, 1 x 100cm, 2 x small grow outs)! Anway! I thought I would post a picture of my latest tank that I've set up! Please be gentle!! I'm still new and open to suggestions!

Tank - 1.2M x 50CM x 40CM

Filtration - 1 x Eheim 2213 & 1 x 2212

Fish - 6 x M. Johanni's (2M & 4F) & 2 x Rainbow fish (used for cycling)

Tank has been running for about 3 weeks now. M. Johanni's have been in since Sunday! Anyway, the pics are not very good, and my skills as a photographer have a lot to be desired!! Anyway heres the pics:

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I'm not sure what types of rocks they are, just some common black ones! Available from landscape shops here in the NT! They weigh a fair bit as well! The one in the middle standing up probably weighs a good 10/15kg, all up probably about 40kg of rocks (9).

Sorry, I can't be of much help!

Thanks for the comments!

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These black rock are called basalt rock.

Thanks mooks! Handy to know!

Decent tank!

A painted background would look better (then you wouldnt get the reflection on the back of the tank).

Thanks for the comments Ben! Painting the background would look better but I'm lazy :p !!! Plus if I change my mind, I don't want to have to spend more time scrapping it off! and tanks are quite costly to get up here, so buying another is probably not going to fit into the budget :zipit: !

Thanks for the comments guys! Open to tips on making it look better!

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