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Video of my african tank


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24 views here but only 3 views on youtube. Hmm.

11mb too big for everyone?

Video description. 7min26s African community tank.

Zebra gold charos spawning, heaps of synos and other fish.

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Not too much trouble holding, those synos made it hard as well.

I should put them (charos) in their own tank and really have a good crack at breeding them.

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hey man thanks for sharing ur tankl looks awesome ur fish look very happy, that yellow one looks like a bully, what kind of fish is the yellow one?

haha, thanks... Most african fish turn into bullies when they spawn, particulary when they got synodontis multipunctatus catfish trynna get in on the action :p

The yellow bully fish is a zebra gold charo by the way. :)

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