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Is it normal?


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I have just removed my convict fry to put into my grow out tank and now that they are gone, the male is attacking/harrassing the female. I have him in a separater net at the moment, will he calm down and be friendly again? how long does it take for the fish to forget about the fry they just had taken off them? I want them to get along cause they have proved to be a good breeding pair.

Any ideas would be great.

Cheers, Alan.

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Hi Alan -

Sometimes this happens when fish "lose" their fry.

Try adding more cover and rearranging the tank. A floating piece of "ag" pipe can also help give the female somewhere to go.

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With some of the egg layers its always better to leave some fry behind for them to tend too.. I have seen some females kill the male and vice versa because they probably thought the partner ate the siblings or didnt defend them well enough against that nasty net wub.gifblush.gif

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