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sexing acei


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Are they the blue/yellow "Yellow Tail Msuli", or the dark coloured "White Tail Ngara"?

Either way, pretty hard fish to sex as they're monomorphic.

With Yellow Tails, males are generally the brighter colouration with a brighter purple/blue sheen, while the females have more of a blue/grey colour.

With Acei in general, males fully grow to about an inch bigger than females.

Generally with Mbuna you can sex the males with having eggspots on their anal fin, however the Acei females sometimes may have one or two eggspots just to confuse the heck out of us. laugh.gif However the males will have more and brighter eggspots.

Having said all that, I've found the best way to sex my Acei is observing their behaviour. Males are definitely the more extrovert and you should notice them right away by doing most the chasing and "flaring up" at their ladies or other species intruding on their space. Females on the other hand are more sublime and just swim along with the others sedately and not harrassing anyone.

Hope this helps.

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they aer terribly difficult to vent as females have such small eggs. i gave up trying as females i have had holding had vents i still looked at and thought huh!?!?!. only way i ever managed to sex these guys 100% accurate was to take out females that were holing and keep them separate. its painfully slow, and annoying to get rid of excess males but it works a treat.

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none of my acei are displaying dominence or anything though, so i cant realy say if there is a male or not either

So were they the Yellow Tail variety? Is one of your Acei at least, a brighter blue/purple sheen?

I also would've thought at that size you'd surely see some chasing or fin displaying happening. Maybe if you study them intently for 4-5 hours straight, without blinking. blink.gifLOL.gif

At least you now know of one female!

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