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WTB: Your most expensive fish


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No, I don't want to buy your most expensive fish laugh.gif . This post is here for you to share your experiences on the most expensive fish you have ever purchused, it can be a colony of fish or just any single fish. Also whats the most you'd pay for that dream fish of yours cool.gif

Anyways i'll start off. The most expensive fish i have bought were my peppermint trio for $400, not alot in the eyes of other hobbyist especially those buying colony's of Frontosa and single arrowanas! woot.gif

cheers; Richard

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I payed $200 for a High grade discus, i had 4 of them. Thank god I sold them because I probably would have killed them, I would have had stuff all time to care for them properly. When you get into discus it can leave you very out of pocket.


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I paid $120 for a 20cm Gibby once at a LFS - nothing else has been over $50.

Geez I like my cheap & nasty CA's & SA's blush.gif

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$200 for a large-ish L001. I got 2 years out of him before he died. My own fault


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I paid almost 4 figures for my first Tropheus colony.

Also whats the most you'd pay for that dream fish of yours

I would say what ever it takes. I have my dream fish and I will own them. Hopefully by the end of the year.

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my expenditure on my 'hobby'.... well lets say addiction.... illness of u like.... has easily gone passed 5 figures (this financial year).

I have sold a truck load of fry and im still down a few large cryblow.gif

There are people who are worse than me tho shock.gif

I still havent built a fish room yet shock.gif

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my expenditure on my 'hobby'.... well lets say addiction.... illness of u like.... has easily gone passed 5 figures (this financial year).

Nice one Mike, I stand in awe. One day I hope to be that much out of pocket to fish. Hold on, that dosen't sound quite right LOL.gif

BTW, what the heck does "Peppermint BN spawn hack activated" mean, or am I just not getting it?


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To date i have blown quite a bit on fish myself ..how much i dont know, and would be best if i , and the better half never find out!! wink2.gif

But xeno spilopterous..$70 each when they were first avaliable

Tropheus Kachese colony..bargin @ $900 delivered 28 fish

Tropheus kiriza colony ..bargin @ $500 21 fish

Xeno flavipinnis(arrive today!!!) $800 delivered 11 fish..

melano colony $420 12 fish

Thats 5 of 26 different types i have.....lucky i have cheap tastes

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I think i paid $12 for my bristlenose catfish about 9 months ago.

I've hardly spent anything on fish, 80% of my expense is on plants and related products.

You got ripped off woot.gif I am currently running a special on bristlenose hysterical.gif

$600 and a male demasoni for a group of ~2cm Pseudo. elongatus "Spot"

Similar amount for a group of wild caught Tropheus

In terms of single fish, I think $65 ea. But who buys one at a time?

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I wont let you know what I am willing to pay. We will see what they cost. You know what fish it is already


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BTW, what the heck does "Peppermint BN spawn hack activated" mean, or am I just not getting it?

Translate: Woohoo I made my pepprmints spawn...

I was a bit druink when i made it up.... and it changes when something else spawns.. its been zebra gold and labidiochromis mbabma in the past

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Mikew, I told you get rid of those bottles out of your room, just thinking if i come over and we start on some of them will the price of the Metriaclima charo come down if not then i'm going to have to pass out to make it worth while!!!! confused.gifLOL.gifwoot.gif ,, $35 for a flavus, $65 for Cynotilapia afra ndumbi, $50 a long time ago for a T duboisi, to name a few Hope my lady is not looking wub.gifhug.gif

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,Jan 17th 2006 @ 08:48 ]I think i paid $12 for my bristlenose catfish about 9 months ago.

I've hardly spent anything on fish, 80% of my expense is on plants and related products.

You got ripped off woot.gif I am currently running a special on bristlenose hysterical.gif

Yeah i got ripped off hard! hehe. I was young and naive then. You actually live in the next suburb from me, i should just get my fish from you from now on tongue.gif So how about a discounted female bristlenose, eh? smile.gif

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My most expensive was a gibbi at $70 (a bargain when I bought him/her). Most expensive colony would be 4 orange spot BN for $120. Most of the fish I buy are in the $10-20 per fish bracket. I also find the cheaper the fish the longer they live.

If only the fish were the expensive bit rolleyes.gif


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