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Hi all,

I was going to tag this onto Dave's many many T posts but thought I'd start another blush.gif

What a day!

I have just retrieved the following from my T tanks -

17 lufubu wub.gif from 2 females - free swimming fry

18 bulu point from 2 females - 9 free swimming 9 heads and tails

15 duboisi Maswa from one very tired mum dry.gif

23 chipimbi from 3 females - free swimming fry

Not to mention all the mbuna going maternal as well. How is everyone else fairing after that ridiculous New Year's Day.

Must be all this insane weather - the barometre is going crazy as am I - connecting egg tumblers and fry savers to an already overcrowded area woot.gifwoot.gif but I am not complaining wub.gif

Oh Happy Days.............


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17 lufubu  from 2 females - free swimming fry

It looks like you have nearly doubled the colony in no time at all Aline I am amazed. shock.gifLOL.gif

Quite amazing Nigel smile.gif the wildcaughts are definately much feistier and active in the sex arena woot.gif these guys have hit the floor running. These are actually the second batch - I have another 13 growing well thumb.gif .



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Not to mention all the mbuna going maternal as well.

I have never kept T's but today had some Labidiochromis sp. 'Mbamba' fry... 9 from two females (theyre only 5-6cm) in fact. bigsmile.gif

peppy cats look like having a spawn or 2 very soon also. Lets see if my R/O dose works of the peckoltias thumbup.gif

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Great News Aline! What every fish owner likes to see is offspring!! I can't believe u got 30 fry already from your WC lufubu! Remember there is a line waiting to buy them wink2.gif .

Will u share with us what secret methods u use to make these tropheus factories? Are u actually stripping them or u r catching free swimming fry in the tank? What are your water parameters? Kh/Gh?



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Will u share with us what secret methods u use to make these tropheus factories? Are u actually stripping them or u r catching free swimming fry in the tank? What are your water parameters? Kh/Gh?thxDave

The first lot of Lufubu I stripped as she held on for ages - she was holding in quarantine with Nigel and then did not want to let go dry.gif . These second batches were spat after I did some rockwork housekeeping in their tank.

I rarely strip my T's preferring to let them do what comes naturally and it is a delight to see the bubs thrive with their colonies wub.gif Sometimes however it becomes unavoidable either due to attack or extreme loss of condition.

The WC lufubus are the first colony I have not raised from fry and are yeilding bigger spawns than the others. They are also the only variant that I maintain at kH 18-20 and gH around 10-12 - the others are lower than that, holding at a pH of around 8 - 8.5. Over the years I have not bothered too much with extra buffering of the tanks, having successes without - but took extra care with the WC smile.gif . I will however be buffering all the new tank setups - I believe the fish will show better colouration, meeting their potential and may yield more mouthfuls.

There is no trick, alot of love, attention and luck. No doubt the tide may turn either way wink2.gif


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hi Dave

as Aline points out, i'll also agree. high kh and mid gh certainly go a long way to an overall improvment in colour and health, leading to better breeding results.

though i'm also certain this crazy weather, with all the high and low pressure cells

coupled with well timed water changes is also responsible for an increase in activity

of all fish

cheers; Col

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i must be doing something wrong since i haven't had any mouthfuls since the beginning of summer! But i must admit i hadn't been checking my kH/Gh for a while and they were very high and now that i have slowly corrected it back to the optimal range i was hoping to see some activity. But i guess i have to be patient.

Hey Col..how are the moliros going along? Are they coloured up now? How big are they?

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congtates aline, must be something about new years, everyone gets some action....almost..

13 dubosi maswa from 2, 8cm girls

32 foai magara one girl

20 attenuatus

21 dolphins

Xeno spilopterous has a mouthful??? could be 10-30????

another 100+ bristlenoses

I did have 2 kachese girls have a mouthful for 2 days each, then nothing dntknw.gif

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Congrats Aline and Mick. Were getting plenty of weird weather over in perth as well but not much else. No babies in my tanks. sad.gif oh well

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Hey hey,

Well done all .........yes the crazy weather plays a big part especially with cats wink2.gif

I have found that maturity plays a big part, especially with the T's. My colonies played at being parents for a few months with no real success but once at the 18 month- 2 year mark took off like wildfire. As they are getting older the number of spawns increases as well as 100% success rate with the holding mums smile.gif . The Chipimbis are now about seven years old and it is most apparent in them.

Dave, I do not believe you are doing anything wrong smile.gif you may be trying a little too hard - if there is such a thing LOL.gif I know you have had your Moliros for quite a while so age is certainly not an issue- do you know the ratio of males to females???

Fingers crossed for lots of wonderful little bubs around for everyone thumb.gif


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i have a sneaking suspicion that i have a larger male to female ratio with my moliro colony and since alpha male has passed away cryblow.gif the potential males are all fighting it out for top place, being too busy to take any notice of the ladies! rolleyes.gif

Had an interesting talk with Jim today who mentioned that once he removed all his substrate from his tanks his wildcaughts breed like wildfire! He made a valid point that there is no coral sand in Tanganyika! Also he gradually removed males from his colony and replaced with females until he had a female heavy colony! Only problem is i don't want to part with my males.

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