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Apistogramma "Blue Head"?


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Hi All,

Over the last few years when I've asked my LFS's what kind of apisto's they could get in they often mention apistogramma "blue head".

Has anyone out there actually brought or seen one of these? If so, what are they like and do you know their proper name? confused.gif



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I believe this topic has been discussed briefly here before and more in-depth on other apistogramma forums.

The Apistogramma "Blue face" is also known as Apistogramma "Steel Blue".... Introduced hybrid from Singapore. They've had so much bad press among apistogramma enthusiast that Singapore and other South East Asian producers are having a hard time selling it as what it is (a hybrid). Quite often these days, these fish are being labeled as Apistogramma borelli from Singapore, Malaysia or Indonesia where they are bred in large numbers to sell them. Because these "fake" A.borelli are usually so cheap (as compared to the propper ones), the true borelli are getting a bad name as a "cheap" fish.

anyhow, here's what these "blue face" or "Steel Blue" will look like...


... avoid like the plague. blush.gif

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These have been around for a while unfortunately, Ive seen them several times at a few shops in Sydney. Ive only ever seen males in shops, despite what they may tell you.

Glad to see there is now better recognition that these are hybrids.

Parkup its definately worth the wait for the real thing. If you are still looking for some, Slippery Little Suckers usually has Apisto's and is getting some more in shortly. They are in Kingsford, (near Sydney Airport-ish) so maybe not too far for you.



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They also go under the name Apistogramma 'blaukopf' and I wouldn't be too hasty in writing them off as hybrids (just yet) and some searching under the name Apistogramma sp. "Rio Malome" might turn up some clues...

I had some a few years back but unfortunately they arrived badly infested with capillaria worms and died. Anyway, do a search on www.thekrib.com for 'blaukopf' and see what turns up.

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They also go under the name Apistogramma 'blaukopf' and I wouldn't be too hasty in writing them off as hybrids (just yet) and some searching under the name Apistogramma sp. "Rio Malome" might turn up some clues...

I had some a few years back but unfortunately they arrived badly infested with capillaria worms and died. Anyway, do a search on www.thekrib.com for 'blaukopf' and see what turns up.

Some years ago there is one named as "neon head", I think this is the current "blue head".

Despite there is a possibility there is a species that resembles it. However there don't seems to be much report on the breeding of this fish. Over the years I've only seen occassional male specimen in the LFS, and never seen any female around.

IMO, I hold back from this particular fish until there is more evident indicating it is a species.

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  • 1 month later...

possibly they are Apistogramma caetei or a close variant Apistogramma cf. caetei


I've certainly seen them sold here in melbourne as catei by a well renowned and much trusted cichlid breeder. there is no, or little dliscernable difference between what I've seen sold in other shops as the "bluehead" and the caetei in his shop.

They also go under the name Apistogramma 'blaukopf' and I wouldn't be too hasty in writing them off as hybrids (just yet) and some searching under the name Apistogramma sp. "Rio Malome" might turn up some clues...

I had some a few years back but unfortunately they arrived badly infested with capillaria worms and died. Anyway, do a search on www.thekrib.com for 'blaukopf' and see what turns up.

Some years ago there is one named as "neon head", I think this is the current "blue head".

Despite there is a possibility there is a species that resembles it. However there don't seems to be much report on the breeding of this fish. Over the years I've only seen occassional male specimen in the LFS, and never seen any female around.

IMO, I hold back from this particular fish until there is more evident indicating it is a species.

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