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Discussion about Tropheus Post in Photo Forum


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Thanks Nigel,

I was so worried that the post will escape the 1st page!!!

Maybe all the interest in Tropheus has at last died down!  shock.gif

Come on guys, post anything u want that is tropheus related, otherwise this thread will die  cryblow.gif

frontosa are invading and taking over hysterical.gif

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Like to see the healthy competition!!! clap.gif

Jamie and I were previously frontosa owners and finally saw the light!!! But i must say a colony of Zaire Blues would look impressive in my loungeroom!

Ps..do u realise u r contributing to the popularity of this thread!!! shock.gif

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Come on guys, post anything u want that is tropheus related, otherwise this thread will die  cryblow.gif

No don't or this post will be locked. This is the photo forum and there for is for posting of photo's and the discussion of those photo's. If you would like to chat about Tropheus try using the Cichlid Discussion Forum. If the Cichlid Discussion Forum gets flooded with tropheus discussion and looks to be staying that way you may find we end up with a Tropheus specific forum. wink2.gif

Mick I have moved you discussion with the problem with your kachesehere.

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No don't or this post will be locked. This is the photo forum and there for is for posting of photo's and the discussion of those photo's. If you would like to chat about Tropheus try using the Cichlid Discussion Forum. If the Cichlid Discussion Forum gets flooded with tropheus discussion and looks to be staying that way you may find we end up with a Tropheus specific forum. 

Thats a bit harsh Ben I cant see how the thread is doing any harm. I think a bit a flexability here would not be out of the question. dry.gif

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Aline....sounds like a great idea! I could help with your experiments and hopefully we can break down the mysteries of bloat so that more people won't be afraid to keep tropheus! thumb.gif

Ben...i was wondering when u would shut this thread down! I try to keep to the topic but unfortunately get a bit sidetracked. Please give us a tropheus specific forum and move all post to this forum. I think we have shown clearly that we do need somewhere for the tropheus gang to hang out and discuss everything tropheus.

Here's a vote to u guys out there:

1. Should we start a new thread on everything tropheus in the general discussion.

2. Convince Ben to give us a subforum in the discussion section.

3. Leaves things as is and post pics only of tropheus on this thread.

I was hoping to reach 500 post but i fear my dreams will be left unfulfilled! cryblow.gif

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LOL.gif You took it the wrong way Nigel. hug.gif (I will add some smilies to my post now. cool.gif It was meant in a light hearted way. Trying to give people a hint thats all.

I am as nuts about tropheus as the rest of the people here but the only way we will get a Tropheus Specific Forum is to show we will use it. Hint Hint. wink2.gifwink2.gifthumb.gif

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This is the photo forum and there for is for posting of photo's and the discussion of those photo's.

Hey Ben, if that's the case mate why weren't we given a warning like this about 20 pages ago dntknw.gif .

I have had heaps of fun on this thread, the most fun I've had on this forum. If it must be locked, then so be it, since this is the photography forum. I just think that this thread isn't doing any harm to anyone, everything said on here is in good spirits.

That being said I understand that a person in authority has to make decisions that others may not like.

Also, I'm not sure if it's fair if we get a sub-forum and others do not. That's why this thread is so cool, it's like our own little sub-forum.

Anyway, whatever happens, happens I guess.

If this thread is locked, well done Dave, it's been awesome thumb.gif, and to all the other regulars, it's been heaps of fun clap.gif .

No harsh feelings towards you either Ben smile.gif.

I guess that's about it,


Sorry Ben, just read your other posts smile.gif .

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We Mods and Admin’s don't want to lock the post at all but it must stay on topic. The topic is "Pictures of Tropheus" and "Their tanks" and "The discussion of those pics".

If you would like to discuss things relating to Tropheus but not to a picture that was posted then its time to make a post in the Cichlid Discussion Forums. If there are lots of discussions in the Cichlid Discussion Forums about Tropheus then it would be obvious that a Sub Forum is required and hay presto everyone is happy. But one huge post that takes ages for people on dial up (like me after hours) to load is keeping people away not drawing them in.

Take a hint people. tongue.gifLOL.gif

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No problem Ben I think these guys have proven that there would be enough interest to give them a subforum.

That’s the problem Nigel they haven't. We have 1 huge post and that’s it. dntknw.gif

I need lots and lots of Tropheus related posts about all different aspects of keeping Tropheus to justify it to the other Admins. It’s the old case of help me help you, well not you but you know what I mean.

I think I need to hit some people with a hammer to get it through as a few people have been told this by PM, email or in chat and haven't gotten the message yet. Maybe now they will that I have spelt it out. tongue.gifLOL.gif

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Thank u all who have contributed to this amazing thread! I have had many hours of enjoyment out of it and i hope u have as well. I appreciate that the mods have not shut it down yet. It is great to find other people with the same interests as yourself and that u r not the only crazy tropheus fanatic out there!! shock.gif

I think we should officially end this thread and leave it stored somewhere in the archives. I give anyone permission to use any of my pics if they want to.

Come on calling all tropheus fanatics out there, post like crazy in the cichlid discussion, anything u like about tropheus and let us aim to get ourselves a subforum of our own!

I think we will hit 500 posts after all. Thanks Ben!!!! thumbup.gif

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Or you could just move the hole post to the Cichild Discussion forum that would solve all the problems not that I see any problems with leaving it where it is.

There isn't a problem with it that’s why it has been allowed to continue. But it's unfair for there to be one rule for one and another for the rest, just because I like the thread and don't want it split up I have to be fair.

Imagine if we just created a Tropheus sub forum. Someone would then want a Frontosa forum and a feather fin forum and a cyp form and then one for blues and one for yellows etc etc etc etc etc. Mod and Admin nightmare. I think we have enough already.

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Hey Ben,

Why can't we have a subforum for each species of cichlid? U could nominate someone to mod for each subforum like Aline for the tropheus forum!!! thumbup.gif Lee427 for the frontosa forum!!! etc, etc.

I know the US cichlid-forum are able to do it, why can't we?

Anyway, we should only be posting pics here remember! wink2.gifwub.gif

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I think we will hit 500 posts after all. Thanks Ben!!!! thumbup.gif

Well maybe but I will have to split the last few posts out soon to get it back on topic so someone will have to post some pics.

I am not going to lock the thread as long as it stays on topic. We can all post pics here till it reaches 1000 posts for all I care as long as each and every post is about a pic then its sweet. thumb.gif

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