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Newbi saying hi


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hi ppl, just thought id say hi to you all, my first post and all.

hope we can have fun together and be life long pals!

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Welcome to the forum thumb.gif

If you want to be long life pals, the first thing you need to do is check out the rules forum. You'll find that your signature, while a nice picture, is too big wink2.gif

Hope you enjoy your time here, most of us don't bite woot.gif

Why dont you tell us a little about yourself and the fish you keep?

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sorry... unsure.gif

i have a 3x 2x 1.2 foot tank about 150L, i had about 30 juviniles in there, but went away for a week and i set up the auto feeder i brought wrong and the were over fed.... camr home to smelly room, green water, food and fish with white growth in tank 9unsure of what its called), and cloud eye.... did a water change, and put some mela-fix in there.... next morning was the worst part.... lost 12 fish....

i am after some sulfur crested lithobates ( Otopharynx lithobates) and was put onto the forum by one of your users.... boggs5110...

anyhow i hope someone can help and ill try to remember to use all the scientific names from now on.... geeez thats tuff toohard.gif

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i think ive done it correctly, but no acess as yet

how long does it take?

i was told it might take up to 24 hours?

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Welcome aboard. raisehand.gif

ill try to remember to use all the scientific names from now on.... geeez thats tuff

Don't worry. After around 20 or 30 years of playing with Cichlids you'll know them all off the top of your head! LOL.gifLOL.gifLOL.gif

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Welcome to the forum raisehand.gif .

I am certain that you will find what you are looking for and some great advice as well smile.gif

I do bite sometimes LOL.gifwoot.gif



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Welcome to ACE. I'm a noob as well, and have learnt a lot on this site. Just don't mention Tropheus in your thread. It'll end up with 500 posts hysterical.gif

Cheers, Frank (ps I like the photos you posted in the photography thread).

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Welcome mate, good to hear tales of fish woes/triumphs that most of us experience from time to time! The industry is a blessing to society as not only is it compact (units/flats/townhouses), but also brings out our human nuturing talents, instead of looking after number 1, we have responsibilities to other life forms! blink.gif

Fish is best, food is ok, family hmmmmmm lolol

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lol..I just sent you your welcome message when I saw this post. Welcome mate. Like I said in the message I sent, if you have any problems PM me or any other moderator or admin for that matter. A few good articles to have a look at as well as a newb:

The Nitrogen Cycle: http://www.cichlids-aust.com/articles.html (Scroll down until you find it)

Hybrids & How to avoid buying them: http://www.sydneycichlid.com/content/?page_id=11

Also before you have questions about anything have a look throughout the FAQ section first: http://www.aceforums.com.au/index.php?showforum=37

Give them a read and if you have any questions let me know smile.gif.


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