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How long can she hold?


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I have an e. yellow who has been holding for at least 1 month, probably closer to 2 months???? I am sure she hasn't spit fry and then taken a new batch as I have been watching closely and she has had fry in her mouth all of the time and hasn't been feeding (although I have seen her occasionally take in small pieces of flake).

She seems healthy but it cannot be good to go without food for this long.

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Catch her and strip her. Are they still alive?

The most Ive had an african hold is 5weeks, and I was worried by then.

After you strip her, make sure shes isolated. Shed be VERY weak.

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Don't worry Ben, it is one I already had. Yours are happy in their retirement.

Not to keen about stripping because it is a MAJOR effort to catch any fish (it is a display tank and needs completely dismantling to catch anything) and I dont have another tank set up at present.

Funnily enough, she is not showing any signs of weakness or exhaustion. Is it known for fish to hold on to fry until they die from lack of food? She has had fry previously and spat so is not a virgin.

What is the longest time anybody has had an e. yellow hold for?

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Well, she is no longer holding and has started to eat a little flake. Disappointed that I cannot locate any fry in the tank, but this is a community tank with lots of hungry mouths. One yellow juvinile previously managed to keep a low profile for ~2 months and was ~1cm before straying out into the open once too often.

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Hi Scienceman, I have 6x18x18 tanks and in the case like yours i just turn off the lights for at least 3hrs and have the odd drink { helps the focus} then on they go and you should be able to get her still asleep. Only works with the female fish clap.gifwoot.gif If you still have trouble, I then take out some hiding spots the nite before, caves etc and awake before light to do the same thing. its easy after a while. Good luck with the missus cause thats about 4-30 at this time of year. I just say of to work babe and she thinks of all that O-T !!!!!!!! blush.gifwink2.gif

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