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Fighting fish after a Water Change


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This is a side from my fighting clown loaches post.

I did a water change today after seeing the 6x2x2 at 30.4deg.

I did half a water change.

After the water change, the temp dropped down to 26deg.

However, most of the fish are picking on each other. Ones were living on harmony are now picking on each other. They chase each other, try to bite each other, and also flare gills.

I didnt do anything differently this time. Take water out, add water, etc etc...

I wonder why.

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Almost sounds like you've triggered some wet season spawning. But that wouldn't make sense, as the loaches you described were still on the young side and I'm not sure if SE Asian loaches and African cichlids spawn in the 'flood season'.

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Well in that tank are also some young juvie americans and some mature africans.

I dont get it. This is the first time it happens.

I did also notice my male johanni chasing the female around a bit. ;-) But thats expected from him. Hes a good breeder.

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After the water change, the temp dropped down to 26deg.

What is their normal temp?

I agree, sounds like you have just triggered the breeding/spawning/playing behaviour with some cooler water. My fish LOVE having a cold water change smile.gif

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No idea about the juvies and clown loaches - but sounds like the exact same as what happens in my 4ft.

After a decent water change ALL the fish just go crazy frisky... always fighting and dancing... Quite the sight though!

Might have some more bubs on your hands soon? smile.gif

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