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what to put in a 4.2.2 ? ?


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Hello ,

i just have a thing about doing up my 4.2.2 tank , but the problem is i dont no what to put in it ? i currently have 5 ob peacocks in it but i was thinking mabye a change and go with some more calmer peaceful fish like angels, discus , does anybody have any suggestions , and i want to make the tank look nice and natural e.g logs, plants etc

any help would be great

cheers boz

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Well, what sort of filtration do you currently have?

What lighting/hood etc?


is there any pictures on the 'net of tanks you'd like to emulate? Perhaps then people would give you some pointers - Discus/angels + plants/wood is pretty vague

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I was thinking angels , discus , to put in there , ive got it looking like the amazon it took me a fair while but i got it , now its just the fish i need to get , its being filtered by a canaster filter and a powerhead at the moment i dont have a light at the moment as my current one broke and dont have the money to replace yet , and the subsrate is just nambucca gold gravel , thats what i bought it as anyway ,

i just need a few ideas on some fish , i have ob peacocks but i dont think they would be to good mixed with long finned fish , as they are quiet agressive ,


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Not Disus,Unless u are letting the peacocks go, lot more work to keep the disus as one should. E/ yellow nice colour, a afra cobwe, some nice lab's about, catties, etc, Hope helps.

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yeh , ive made my mind up im just going to add more cichlids , ive already added 5 e yellows and there doing fine , i might get a few catfish , i already have bristle nose, how many more fish could i have in there , the yellows are quiet small , but the peacocks are a decent size ????? in there at the moment there are 5 yellows , 5 ob peacocks , should i add any more ?

cheers boof

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Article on OB Peacocks

just FYI, a lot of people on here are anti-hybrid.

If you got another cannister or a decent size HOB, you could put in some more fish. Of course if your cannister is a monster 2200lph+ jobbie you can add more now!

How many species do you want? I prefer less species but more numbers of each.

I personally would go for 10-12 yellows all up & switch the OB peacocks for about 7 of either Aulonocara jacobfreibergi or A. stuartgranti. Catfish wise you could just add a few more BN or switch to something like Synodontis eruptus or maybe make everything Malawian & get some Synodontis njassae.

How much rockwork have you got in there? able to take a pic?

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Yeh my canister is big , and ive got a powerhead in there aswell , so the filteration is all good , there is a fare bit of rock work , and driftwood , its just as a display tank in my room , not intending on breeding anything , if they breed its a bonus , i was thinking of adding some cobalts , or solousi something with nice colour

cheers brendon

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Probably more then what your suggesting.

I have about 25-30 mbuna in my 4x2x2. All grown adults as well..

Important to provide excellent filtration and plenty of rocks and hiding places if you intend on stocking with alot of fish.

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The aggression factor isnt bad with my setup, having alot of fish in there no one fish will get too battered. My fish are pretty well mannered.

I have kingsizei - greshakei - Cobalts - elongatus - Aurutus - Zebras - various catfish and more mbuna I cant think of at the moment.

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In a tank that size - discus could be a worthwhile option. If you made it barebottom and kept the tank understocked you would be set. You could safely keep 7 or 8 full size adults if you do weekly water changes.

Just a thought...


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