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transcriptus or marlieri


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Hi all,

I have managed to breed (and keep fry alive for over 60 days) Julidochromis "Gombe island" and after reading up on it I am not sure if it is transcriptus or marlieri. Can someone please enlighten me.



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As mentioned, need a better pic to be sure. That pic could be either.... they have similar patterns.... If they are the parents, and I was a betting man I would go with transcriptus gombe too. Marlieri have a different shape mouth, and slightly different pattern.

well in actual fact........maybe this will clear it up...... here

I have only seen them sold as transcriptus gombe in shops though. They are smaller than the usual marlieri you can get, and I think not quite as feisty either.....



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thanks all. Unfortunately that is the only piccie that I have. I was leaning towards transcriptus but I thought that I read somewhere that they had been reclassified to marlieri (or transcriptus I am not sure which name) because it encompassed a wider area dntknw.gif . That article did not help unfortunately as mine looks like that but it does not state the differences.



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Ad Konings argues that J marlieri possess cheek markings whilst those without cheek markings are J transcriptus. If that is the case then what are called "Gombe Transcriptus is a variant of J marlieri.

Rosco if you have a copy of "Tanganyika Cichlids in their Natural Habitat" it is referred to on page 102.

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Thanks Ged, In that case I mine have cheek markings so I guess that they must be marlieri. I need to get myself some good reference material. Hmmmm next bristlenose run to the LFS should cover it LOL.gif



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