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Wild caught Tropheus

mr troph

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raisehand.gif Hi all,

Im new to this great forum however ive been keeping fish for many years and Tropheus for only 2years. The name Mr Troph was given to me by my locall fish keeping mates as I havent stoped raving about them since I began collecting them.

Id like to hear about fellow tropheus fanatics experiences with wild caught specimens. I plan on getting a wild caught colonie preferably Muzi, Chery rainbow. But I do like them all.

Are wild caughts extremely difficult to keep and breed?

Are they very expensive?

I'll post some pics of my Trophs tomorrow when I get a camera.

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Welcome to the forum.

There a dedicated Tropheus group that currently have an enormous thread in the Photography forum so I am looking forward to seeing your photos.

Timmy2422 will be happy to see another Cowra member of the forum.


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Timmy introduced the 2 other Cowra members to this forum. Mr troph is the reason i am keeping fish then later africans, saw his and went and got some africans and then i bought more and more tanks.

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Timmy2422 will be happy to see another Cowra member of the forum.

Timmy lives across the road from me and is a good mate of mine. Im going to borrow his camera and hopefully get some good shots

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Welcome aboard mr troph thumbup.gif .

As has been said, there is a Tropheus thread in the Photography section. You should give it a read. You'll definately know just about all there is to know about who has what when you read it. You'll also discover who of us own wild caught Tropheus. I don't but my colony is great smile.gif .

The heading of the post is "post your Tropheus pics here" (I think). Don't be fooled by the heading, there are heaps of cool pics of all our wonderful Trophs, but there are heaps and heaps of pages of discussion regarding these great fish.

I'll look forward to hearing from you over there with a pic of your current Tropheus thumb.gif .

Seeya and good to have another Tropheus nut on board bigsmile.gif ,


PS I noticed your member name on the new member section a few days ago and was wondering when you would pop up. We're always on the lookout for more Tropheus keepers to have a natter with.

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Hi Mr Troph,

Welcome to the forum and the Tropheus Club!

Jamie has alerted me to your name a couple of weeks ago as newest member! We were having bets to see whether u were a tropheus fanatic or not. We waited patiently for your first post.

Give Jim a pm since he has kept the most wildcaughts on this forum before all of us here. Aline (Chipimbi) and myself have started keeping WCs! They are not that difficult to keep if u have kept tropheus before.

Some things u need to do for wildcaughts is:

1. Keep the water parameters close to that of Lake Tanganyika ie. kH 16-18 and gH 10-12.

2. Regular, preferably weekly water changes of 50% water volume to keep nitrates at a minimum.

3. Feed sparingly spirulina flakes initially and then slowly introduce NLS pellets. I find they eat a lot less than F1s and if they were not fed on flakes by the importer then they will take some time to get use to the processed foods.

4. Have a bigger tank than u would normally keep tropheus. Minimum 4 by 2 by 2.

5. Pray and cross all fingers!

If u want to get some, the best person to ask is Nigel who has imported many species of wildcaught tropheus over the years!

What tropheus species do u keep? Make sure u post the pics on the photography forum.


Ps. Cherry rainbows are a great idea since i know of no one who keeps them in Oz at the moment. I think apart from Aline, who has Lufubu, there are not many who keep the rainbow variety of tropheus! Would luv to see them if u eventually get them!

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Welcome aboard Mr Troph.

As I am only a newbie to the tropheus scene I havn't much advice to give (more like the other way around I'm sure smile.gif ) That said, it is great to have another member to contribute to our little but enthusiastic (read fanatical LOL.gif ) tropheus discusion group.

see ya round. thumb.gif


hopefully by the end of this year we will have someone breeding wildcaughts of each variant in Lake Tanganyika!!!

LOL.gifLOL.gif @ Dave. See what I mean.... enthusiastic.

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