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Kingsizei Lupingu+ Neon Spot+ Heteropictus


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Nice pics. you got some really cool shots there. What camera do you use?

For the last photo, i think you blurred the edges too much. and you can see the rough "outline" of the fish shape and had pasted it onto a black background. Too much "feathering", if that's what you used.

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I'm gonna have a guess. Naturally, they are kept in seperate grow out tanks before they are sold because they are both yellow etc as i dont want to get them confused.

Photo 1: Kingsizei Lupingu

Photo 2: Kingsizei Lupingu

Photo 3: Kingsizei Lupingu in focus with melanochromis chipokae and ps heteropictus in the background

Photo 4: elongatus spot

Photo 5: Kingsizei Lupingu

Photo 6: Kingsizei Lupingu

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