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Fry raising


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I would like to hear everyones way of raising fry. For example do you wait for the mum to spit her fry then keep the fry in a fry saver for a couple of weeks then transfer them to a tank. Please everyone who has fry or who is breeding reply.

Also what is your feeding routine like microworms them a high protein food. Etc



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I let them spit or strip them into a fry saver

Then leave them there for 2-3 weeks

then i move them to a fry tank and let them grow till 2-2.5cm

then i move them to another grow out tank and sell them at 3-5cm

or sometimes i keep them and add back to my colonies.

I feed them crushed flake

Catfish (Loricaridae):

i let them raise the eggs or I raise them artifically with a fry saver and airstone if the eggs have been kicked out

Once they are free swimming and eating flake/cucumber/bloodworms (depends on the catty) i move them to a grow out tank.

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Malawis - I use a small tank (7 or 8L), sit it on top of the light on my aqua one tank (to keep it heated), Then strip the fry into it from the mother at about 3 weeks. I feed them crushed spirulina flake, sometimes powdered color bits and 100% water change each day for about a month - then add them back into the main tank.

Thats how I do it ATM - buts thats only because I have one tank at the moment. hehe


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I do something similar to Mike with the exception that I do not strip them. I tend to either let them release the fry and spend the next 3 days catching them or if I can catch the mother and put her into a smaller tank by herself to release.



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I'm like Mike, some i strip some i put in a tub 500mm x 300mm x 150mm float on top of tank water with airstone and do water change each day till they spit for themselves, depends on the mum. If they are great holders like my Icebergs then i let them hold fullterm fry get a better start I think. Crushed flake brine srimp if i have time and whatever food as long as its rubed in your fingers to make it easy for the fry. Check out the fry saver in old sydney page they are great to start with an yes.gif d extra food goes to the fish in the tank you are floating them in. Good Luck John

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