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sick fish


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recently my male festae's eyes started bulging from his head ,iput him on a course of melafix for 7 days and now hes fine. yesterday i changed 20% of the water in my african tank and this morning all the fronnies have developed the same condition,the ring around the eye appears to be filled with fluid making the eyes stick out,the venustus pleco synodontus and bristlenose arnt affected,initially i thought popeye but i thought this was incurable, ive started them on melafix and i'm confident of a cure (as the festae responded so readily) anyone have any comments or ideas what this may be? im thinking maybe a parasite of some sort as my hands were in the festae's tank before the fronts,thanks

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Popeye can have a number of underlying causes. These include poor water quality, bacterial, fungal or viral infection or even some parasites (Whitespot). To treat Popeye it is best to treat the cause of the problem and in your case I am unsure what it is. dntknw.gif

On the bright side Popeye will respond to Melafix or alternatively Pimafix.

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RDM i had the same problem a while ago with a frontosa and people said it could be water and all that and i said so what is it if my water is fine because my water was spot on. Well all i done mate was a course of pimafix followed by a course of melafix and it has never returned. Let me know how it goes mate. Hope it goes well for you.



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just make sure you get pure stuff - some brands are mixed with "undisclosed" solvents. I use Thursday plantation brand with success.

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