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I am setting up an a above tank trickle filter for a 300ltr tank. I need a powerhead/pump to pump about 1200 ltr/hr with a 2ft lift I am assuming I need a pump rated at 2000ltr/hr.

Would like a fairly compact design so I thought a powerhead would be better. I am not real sure of the difference between a powerhead and a submersible pump except powerheads seem to be more compact.

Wondering if anyone was using or new of a powerhead that would suit this application & what brand and model it was.

Thank's Dave

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I may be wrong,. but I have always thought that pumps are essentially powerheads with higher wattage motors, and maybe a little less clearance around the impellor. So if you took a powerhead and put a higher wattage motor on that powerhead, it would pump to a higher head, or push more weight of water better, but at zero head it would push the same volume of water, because the rpm is basically the same........ Just my little theory anyway..... so I'm sharing..... tongue.gif




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From personal experience, powerheads don't work too well with any head height whatsoever - their flow drops off dramatically to about nothing at ~1m

I'd like to know the exact differences, but what Jason said makes sense - impellor/housing design & probably more torque at the same operating RPM.

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Forgot to add a lot of it also depends on the impeller design. Certain types seem to suit different functions.

The internal winding of the "cage" would also be a contributing factor, but that's getting too technical, might be easier to stick with the rule that powerheads move water, fountain pumps move height.

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