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South Sydney Aquarium


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G'day All,

Just checked out South Sydney Aquarium at 82-84 Captain Cook Drive at Caringbah. The shop front is a standard aquarium but the back is a Public Aquarium built by the owner, you have to pay $10 to go out the back. He has a large pond with Barra in it. There also about 7 large circular tanks that hold 15,000 litres each. One is a South American setup, another a Malawi setup, another holds a couple of Black Tip Reef Sharks and a juvenile Bronze Whaler. The tanks are not fully stocked yet as the owner is just starting out.

This place is well worth the look, just don't expect it to be Sydney Aquarium or to blow your mind. The owner Craig is a really friendly guy who has built his dream tanks in a warehouse type environment. He's done a damn fine job too.

I hope the mods are ok with me typing this, I don't feel this place competes with our sponsors as the majority of the venue is a public aquarium.

Go have a look if you're nearby,


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I live down the road from south sydney aquarium. I walked in there wanting to buy some fish, some cichlid, but they only had two or four tanks of them, what time aquarium is that. Don't mean to make out there a S*%# Aquarium but why would i pay $10 to look at tanks that i can see at Majestic for free????

But this only what i think, so maybe you will enjoy it just like Parrdog....

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Yeah, I understand your points of view (the admission could be cheaper). I did enjoy my visit though smile.gif, maybe because I didn't expect too much, I was told what it was like before I went there. I wouldn't recommend a long drive for a quick look, but for those in the area, hey, it wouldn't hurt.

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I agree....10 bucks is a bit hefty.....how much is sydney aquarium these days?

I dont blame the guy for trying to reclaim some of many dollars he would of spent building the tanks.

Perhaps he should of made it free or maybe half price until its fully stocked...

best of luck to him and his business tho

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