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My First Herp and Clown Pleco


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Hey this is my first 2 reptiles. They are the absolute cutest things in the world. These could turn any reptile hater into a lover and have so far turned my mum and my girlfriend..... Now to find cute snakes. The dark one is named Maxwell and the light one is Harriot!

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Bad photo and using flash so colours drained, but i never see the damn thing so I thought better this than nothin. I picked up this one from Parramatta in the closing down sale.


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Your Pleco is cool but your little Dragons are absolutely beautiful thumbup.gif . Are they related to Eastern Water Dragons? The markings on them are just gorgeous. What is their temperament like?

Thanks for posting, post more if you can smile.gif ,


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They are my first so I cant compare them. They are only 11 days old. They are in a similar group to the eastern water dragons. More closely related to the eastern bearded dragons. Their common names are Pygmy or Black Soil dragons. They only grow half the size of normal beardies. They are apparently very good handlers. But mine are so young, I dont think they really care whether they are on me or a stick. Ill post more when i can.


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