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how many fish?


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adults,fry,whatever.i was telling someone how many fish i had and they couldnt believe it.i dont consider what i have to be many fish when you think about it ten or twelve fish across five tanks isnt many i think.which is why i posted the question.just curious to see what the average amount of fish kept by people who frequent this site

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I have about 80-100 fry. Ps sualosi and Ps persipcax.

I have 12 adult cuckoo cat's, trio of adult sualosi, 7 e blues, trio of albino BN, 5 normal BN and apair of Neo brevis

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not enough woot.gifwoot.gif

i am building these 5 malawi colonies, 3 BN colonies, peppermints, 3 breeding tang species.

As for fry a hand full of Saulosi and yellows and hundreds of BN fry. (I have 6 grow out tanks full of BN's with some in fry savers).

I still have room for 3 more colonies probably 2 tangs and 1 malawi.



oh and as of today 12 neon tetras I have lost one of tanks to a community tank to Mrs Rosco dntknw.gif . But in saying that she has done a tickey boo job of aquascaping. I need a photo of it cause it does look really good. At least I did not have to buy the BN's woot.gif I now have a tank for L168's wink2.gif



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Only 39 (I think), scaled back a bit and won't try to breed any fish until I move in the coming months.

American cichlids (2 tanks), Lake Malawi (1 tank) & Tanganyika cichlids (1 tank), Australian natives (1 tank), loaches and American and African catfish (with African cichlids), all display. cool.gif

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Close to 1500 - 2000 and I love every single one of them as much as my first handful of mollies kept many years ago LOL.gif . Do I love some more than others........ maybe woot.gif may even have been known to kiss a few now and then - call me Mrs Hunt as well as Mrs Murphy thumb.gif .



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37 tanks Hell!!!! Did a quick count, no wonder my Lovley Lady did say "No More," confused.gifwoot.gif got past 500 and thats not counting fry savers, I've got to control myself, No more at the sat meeting??????? Well that didnt work 5 more bags . They were just to cheep.

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the other day i stripped my female yellow that is about 8cm and i got 65+ swimming fry out of her. her mouth was huge

65 in one mouthfull!!!! Good Lord!!!!

I was breeding Hongi's for a while. Had around 30 at one stage. Scaled back to just 10 in my display tank.... That was until the heat of Christmas. I wasn't at home for those two 40 degree days. Got home and found them all floating on the top. cryblow.gif

So at the present time i have Zero fish!

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I think you miscounted Andrea, you couldn't possibly have that many! thumbup.gif

Not sure how many I have, 9 tanks so far with another 6 coming. At a guess probably 50, not including fry, probably 100-150 fry. I was breeding a few Malawis, lithobates, dolphins, aceii etc, thats where all the fry are from. Got rid of all my Malawis, bar the dolphins, now have Tanganyikans, most are still fairly young so not much breeding there yet.


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too much is never enough!

20 tanks 8,6,6,6,4,4,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1, +bathtub+tumbler tub+buckets

150+ fish, ~25species, mostly tangs.

200+ fry, also 75 eggs tumbling from various mouthfulls

I tend to sway towards the less common varieties

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