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Albino Corydoras all glum


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Recently (last 3 months) all my corys have been rather glum or sad looking. They dont swim much, or eat much. They just sit out their days. I have lost about 4 in the last two months, but one was fairly old, so 3 really ... blush.gif

I thought it may be the water, but all parameters checked out. I did have a pH crash though earlier, but they all did ok.

I thought it might be old tank syndrome so i gradually increased water changes and etc but still they are the same.

Currently the tank is stable (1 month now) and in good condition. Any ideas what to do? dntknw.gif

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You might find that the smaller group could be the issue.

I've found that when I had only 2 or 3 corys that they were pretty sedentary (ie glum, not moving much etc) but when I had 8 - 10 they were very active and were flitting all over the place, very gregarious.


Cheers - OziOscar.

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Hey thanks OziOscar,

I think you right. I never really thought about that until you mentioned it. I now just have to debate whether to get any more.



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  • 7 months later...

i have2 atm

when they were in my small tank (just under 2ft) i had the same issue. they started off strong... after few months.. then went real quiet/bored looking.

but in the new setup (just under 3ft) they are one of the most active in there.. even at night.

in my case it was the water temp/condition.. the small tank was getting to hot 27-30C and not as clean as my new setup..

also.. dont over feed them.. they got lazy in my case because of that i think.

and the other reason for me i think was the surroundings. they didnt have much to do with one log and one rock... now they play around the whole setup, always 'sniffing' around. hahaha

i dont think you need to buy more if you dont want to. or dont have the space

hope that helps ya.



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