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lionhead and princess fry ?


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hi all just wondering what ur opinions are on keepin lionhead fry (80) and princess fry (40) together in a standard 3foot aggression wise i intend to seperate some when they get bigger they are all the same size for the moment. all replies would be great thanks

i lost my little common pleco a couple of days ago i think my big front snaped him and spat him out cryblow.gif

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How big are the fry at the moment? There will be agression as they get a few cms long, esp with that many in that smallish tank.

You may not notice them being eaten etc, but you will notice the number may get less.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thats heaps of room for 1cm fry , I would still have them in a fry saver they will feed better, then at 2cm let them goooooo.L heads will like the bottom and princess the med so should be ok till 3cm +.

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Do you mean Steatocranus casuarius eng. Lionhead.

If you do so, the S. Casuarius isn`t agrassive at all. Only during the time of breading he starts to attack all size of fishes, when they get to close to his childs.

I had S. Casuarius in a 600L tank with all kind of fishes, that havn´t read the book that they never fit together, but we had no problems with that until now.

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I've bread both and agree that when they're small, they'll be fine but not for long.

With 120 fry, it will start to get crowded pretty quickly! The lionheads will probably grow faster than the brichardi's but once the brichardis grow their teeth, they can be quite vicious. Hope you've got good filtration too!


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yes mate i mean steatocranus

i got rid of 20 lionheads last week ive got 2 waterfall filters on and a powerhead in the tank they seem to be happy and i do 2buckets a week i think thats plenty clean water for them. i fed them crushed flake,brinshrimp and some crushed pellets the lionheads seem to be growing quik.

steatocranus how many times do your guys spawn a year buddy .also mate love the pics of your steatocranus

thanks for all the input to guys thumbup.gif

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at least 4-5 Times a year. But I have about 10 pairs which are breading.

So I allways get a lot of frys. Even trying to put other Fishes beside them into the Tank to have a a nature close birth control didn´t help till now.

thanks mate just wanted to know what to expect breeding wise its good to know its only 4-5 times a year probably wouldnt have enough space for the fry if it were more than that. how old do u let your fry get before you start selling them confused.gif thanks for the help oliver


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