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Great idea Andrea! I didn't think about giving my fish a summer vacation in the tropics!! Do they grow much bigger this way? Is there more breeding activity? Do they refuse to return to their tanks after their holidays (like most people i know!! laugh.gif )?

Would this work for Tropheus?

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They are a royal PITA to catch out at the end of summer but the three or so months of enjoying them outside makes it worthwhile.

I can't see why you could throw Tropheus spp. outside Dave...they would go beserk on the algae that is in there atm. They do bulk up in the pond...when I put fry in there, I didn't notice appreciable growth rate (they were really packed in though) however the colours were far superior than those of their tank mates that remained inside. I watched some fossies spawning about 3 weeks ago...very cool from above. There were some fry getting around amongst the rocks a while ago but I haven't seen then for a couple of weeks. I think an acei must have gone in with a mouthful.

Andrea smile.gif

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Hi Shaun,

Bristlenoses would love it but they would be impossible to retrieve as they would get into the plant roots etc and I'd never get them all out. Also their colour would make then very difficult to locate. I was hoping the chromides would clean up the algae but they prefer the vallis (of course dry.gif )

Andrea smile.gif

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