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what to stock


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hi all

i am planning on building a rack to hold nine 24x18x18's

i know that 4 of these tanks are going to hold some pl*cos

but i am still trying to work out what i am going to put in the other five i have some cacatoides that have been tryin to breed that i would stock in a couple of tanks and a i have a male nijsseni i want to get a couple of females for but after that i am open for ideas i was thinkin of a few shell dweller tanks as it is all run off sponge filters so i should be able to give them the right conditions any idea of some available apisto's around at the moment there doesnt seem to be much available in brisbane at the moment so i am sort of limited in the apisto range

thx rumdrinka

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These are some of the Apistogramma species that are avaialble through Bayfish so your LFS should be able to get them in for you.

Apistogramma agassizi 4cm

Apistogramma agassizi (Double red German bred) 4cm

Apistogramma borellii 4cm

Apistogramma borelli (German bred) 4cm

Apistogramma cacatuoides 4cm

Apistogramma cacatuoides (Double Red German bred) 4cm

Apistogramma panduro 4cm

Have you also considered some of the Pelvicachromis species.

Pelvicachromis pulcher (Normal/Albino)

Pelvicachromis subocellatus

Pelvicachromis taeniatus

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There are lots of beautiful dwarfs, all you need to do is wait and ask. Its sometimes a good idea to go with the more common ones as they all have a habit of passing away. (at least mine do).

Goodluck with it, you may find these sites help




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