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pump recomendations


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im currently looking for a pump and would like advice from the members of this forum.i have 2 6x3x2 tanks on racks one on top of the other thier roughly 1000 lts each.the head height is roughly 2.7 metres.i recently found that some people judge thier pumps on how noisey they are but for me this wont be a problem.just curious to see what people out there are currently using.any help would be appreciated.also where do you get these pumps from are aquariums the go or do you have to get them from somewhere that specializes in them.

thankyou jason

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I'm using a couple of Laguna pumps at the moment, and am loving them!

They are quiet (not your main priority I know) and seem to pump a lot of water for their size and voltage. Mine have been very reliable, not letting me down at all in the 12-18mths I have had them thumbup.gif

I bought them from aquarium stores.

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