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Suggestions for a 75 L tank


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I have just purchased a 75L curved front tank that I might set up at work.

I would like some suggestions about what to put into the tank. My preference is for Tanganyikans but could be convinced by some good suggestions for rainbowfish or maybe killifish (given the limited size of the tank). I don't see much on this website about killifish - is that because they are hard to get or hard to maintain?

I would appreciate any suggestions/feedback.



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I think a planted tank might be too high in maintenance - fertilisers, lights, pruning etc.

I like the idea of a few fish in caves - low maintenance use of rocks!

I have no limit on a budget so any suggestions will be considered.


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Neo multies would be good, so would Pelvicachromis pulcher(kribensis). Both of these fish would even breed in that size tank, although the krib fry would eventually need to be moved out to another tank if they are to survive.


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