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hi all

well, it's third time lucky!,

pr #3 have fired, i now have a nest full of fry. the male's flat out keeping them up in the nest

i left the f/male in the tank for 24hrs, just to be sure she had finished laying eggs.

she had taken a fair beating, but she was still very quick getting away from the male, i put her in a small tank to recover

the eggs took 48 hrs to hatch, temp 26/28. now the work begins for me, keeping them going. i have 2 bbs hatcheries in rotation, just to be sure!

oh well, fingers crossed.

cheers; Colin

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Now the hard part comes Col. Keep up the food supply without polluting the water. The male will need to come out in a few days too. Good luck...it's always fun seeing the colours as they develop.

Andrea smile.gif

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yeh the male got evicted 2 days later, i'm sure he was only doing his job as

'mr mom' but, take no chance eh!

i tried doing a small water change using a 4mm tube, but i got more fry than rubbish, so it all went back in the tank, i'll wait untill they are bigger

plenty of b/s hatching, i'm feeding sparingly 4 times daily

fingers crossed, thanks for the help.

cheers; Colin

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