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Longest name in the tank


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I picked up a pair of Placidochromis phenochilus 'North of South Rukuru' a while ago as very small fish. I was glad to get them as they don't seem to be a fish you commonly find. They are growing well and seem to be able to tolerate the madness of the mbuna masses as well. The male is probably around 6cm long at the moment and developing some good colour but it is quite difficult to catch in a photograph.

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Looks like I have a pair so hope they will spawn soon especially as the adults go for around £160 / pair here in the UK when you can find them.



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they look like an awesome fish and very nice photo there!! I was hoping you were in Aus as i havent heard of these guys before!

A few people have them in Aus

Cichlid_KB is selling them and even has Trio's for sale in the classifieds


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