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Not so good


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ok so my first attempt was a 100% failure blush.gif

i had 2pr lined up ready for action. male in the tank, f/male in her jar[in the tank]

the first f/male beat me, she dropped her eggs in the jar. she was picking them up and putting them in a patchy nest, but too late for me too do anything about it.

i watched the 2nd girl very closely, starting to show vertical bars, ovipositor was down, so lets go!, next day, eggs all over the bottom of the tank[grrhh] the male's nest was very patchy.

i lined another pr up for action, f/male showing all the signs, been together for a week now, dntknw.gif

oh well back to square one, i've picked up some tips on different methods to try next time. time will tell

cheers; Colin

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hi wui

thanks for the encouragment, it will happen, maybe not overnight, but it will happen

have you set that light up yet. did it boil the water, melt the glass or give you an instant algae bloom?? tongue.gif

better update ya post, a lot of ppl are waiting for the outcome!!

cheers mate

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Col..when I used to breed them this is what I did. Put a female in a jar next to the male's tank. When he builds a nest, tip her in and make sure that he doesn't overly harass her. If he fails to build a nest with 1 female in the jar, take it away and replace it with another one and so on.

Andrea smile.gif

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