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P. Lombardoi


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Hi All,

I have come home from work this arvo and have found my first batch of fry released from my proud female Lombardoi. They are in a 2' tank with no other fish. I have Nutrafin basix staple food for fry to feed the young.

How often should I feed them?

How long should I leave the mother in the tank?

Any tips or advice would be appreciated.



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Ummm With my fry i try feed them 3-4 times a day, but with only small amounts each time.

Where as with parents.. I only feed them 2 times a day, with larger amounts.

You could remove the female now if you wanted to.


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Hey hey,

When I find that time is absent.... dry.gif I place some algae wafers into the fry tanks and savers so that they can nibble when they want.

I have step breeding lombardoi that no-one believes I have until they see them with their own eyes LOL.gif I placed a male and three females into a three foot tank after they attempted to massacre a 6' display tank on their own. The result six months later 6 generations of fry and juveniles all co existing with mum and dad dntknw.gif Not cranky towards each other anymore but they all hate me woot.gif


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