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Water Temp.


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As long as the water temperature does not remain above 30 C for weeks on end, you need not be concerned. However, as the temperature rises, the oxygen saturation in the water tends to fall.

If you have a good filtration system, odds are you don't have a problem. Never the less, it won't hurt to increase the aeration to assure proper levels of oxygen. I'd also perform water changes more often, using water that is a degree or two cooler than the tank water. That will serve to keep the water temperature down, and maintain adequate oxygen levels for your fish.

Forgot to add, your fish will usually become more aggressive as the temp rises as well.

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Yep. The fish can live from temps of around 20-35 but it all depends how long they have been exposed to what the extent of the affects will be.

thanks ryan

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hrm, I don't keep africans but I know many people locally (North QLD) who do. In general tanks in NQ stay above 30deg for about 5 months of the year, it's just consistantly stinking hot. All of mine are over 32deg at the moment, some as high as 34deg - no losses.

Oxygenation is key, not water temp directly.

I use wet/dry systems & Aquaclears - both oxygenate the water enough IME. If you use only cannisters/internals without a spraybar on the outlet, or alternative gas exchange like an airstone, you are asking for trouble IMHO.

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