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Filter for a 5 foot'a

619 Fish GOD

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I would run a minimum of two canisters on a tank of that size. Both would be biological only. I would also run an internal of around 2000l/hr for particulate removal.

I would say the eheim 2250 or 2260. Or a sump if you have the right equipment.

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By the time you run two external filters and a internal filter it would nearly be cheaper to set up a sump filter and have all external filtration. Not to mention it would be much easier to maintain a single filter and would be cheaper to run too


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I have run a 5x2x2 for around 7 years with a combination of an eheim 2228 and a aqua clear 300 hang on the back.I use the aqua clear purely to remove crud from the tank and it is cleaned every week,it picks up a lot of stuff.The eheim is the bio filter and is full of ceramic noodles and efisubstrate.Never had a problem and it is fairly low maint.It has handled quite large messy fish .

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on my 5"x2"x27inch tank, i run an eheim 2260 with a 15W UV connected to it, and also a fluval 403, and also a resun internal 700lph filter.

i notice that the UV does help to keep the tank disease down.

important thing is to clean your filter and not overstock with fish.

the water outlet is on a spray bar and i do let the water spray on the surface for alot of oxygen circulation, my CO2 tank seem to be lasting a long time even with the water movements. it has lasted me a year now.

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Well a 5x2 is ~500l, with no head height or media backpressure 2000lph would turn it over 4 times.

Are you are planning on having it pretty heavily planted with light fish stocking? If so, then the plants themselves can take care of the nitrogen cycle & you'll only need a filter for mechanical filtration & water movement. If you tip the balance in the favor of the fish, you'll need more filter as if there are no plants.

I personally would have two 1000-1500lph cannisters - or one cannister & an Aquaclear (they are fine with CO2 if you keep the water level upto their spillway).

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