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Frontosa Varient ID?


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Hey all,

My friend was sold these frontosa as "Zaire blues" about a year ago, if they are "just" burundi he isn't too fussed as they look pretty swish. He has two clear males & four undetermined, the largest two are approx 17cm, smaller 4 about 12cm. Anyone know what they are?

One of the big boys

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One of the sub-dominant fish

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just thought I'd share the following pics.

Tanganyika Tank

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Malawi tank

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All of the shots have simply been resized - no cropping or retouching whatsoever.



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They have been a lot more blue, but never just about purple like some of the pics you see online. I did also think the mask on the face was too thin to be a zaire so thanks for confirming it guys! thumb.gif Now I've gotta tell the owner! shock.gif

He got them from a breeder with assurances they were zaire so... should I be warning some of the LFS who buy from this breeder? huh.gif Bit of a problem as the breeders wife works at one of the LFS so it could complecate matters. dry.gif

They had only just been shifted back into their tank about an hour before those pics were taken so they are faded compared to normal (refer to this thread for why they moved)

How do they look so far as burundi go then? Locally they are usually black & grey with virtually no blue on the body (I do live in the sticks people) so these guys stressed as they are in the pics look better than the average "generic" frontosa in Townsville anyway. Also, they were cheaper than local retail "generic" fronts as well being straight from the breeder - the bars & colour look pretty good to me - so apart from the name deception it's no real loss I guess?

wui39 - both tanks have big sump systems, first filter floss, then bioballs, then a gravel bed, then heaters & 6000lph return pump. Unfortunaltely the bioballs didn't end up out of the water, but it works so who cares? There are also two 10mx4mm denitrating coils running in parallel. Seachem products provide the perameters as the sand & rocks are just regular inert river stuff.

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