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mpimbwe frontosa?


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G'day Lee,

The wholesaler in Brissy has them on it's available list at the moment, 12-18cm. You should be able to source them through a LFS if no-one local is able to help out.



aquarium raised mate or wild caught because there supposed to be extremly hard to breed if there wild caught .any chance of fry also do you mean bay fish thanks for the help

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thanks steve the reason i want fry is because i read an article in cichlid forum about them and they said they had a lot of trouble breeding adult wc mpimbwe i dont if any ones had success lately though

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I understand your concern. Problem with fry is you'll have to wait a couple of years to find out if they'll breed for you rolleyes.gif

It doesnt say they are wild caught, suggest maybe you give Bayfish a call and find out?? Check out their site - w w w.bayfish. c o m



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I understand your concern. Problem with fry is you'll have to wait a couple of years to find out if they'll breed for you rolleyes.gif

It doesnt say they are wild caught, suggest maybe you give Bayfish a call and find out?? Check out their site - w w w.bayfish. c o m




yeah thanks steve i checked it out they changed the web page since i last looked there the mpimbwe thats there doesnt look like the nicest one ive seen but thats probably just the photo ill find out how much they retail at wink2.gif

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