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V. synspilum pics


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just got a Kodak Z700 today, still have no idea how to use it. Out of about 120 shots, these two were the only ones with any form of focus rolleyes.gif

His name is Quentin & he's about 25cm/2yo Big sooky fish. The copperish colour on his rear 1/2 has really intensified having an exclusive diet of NLS

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It's just a universal rocks latex background, the wood on the other hand is real.

I'll post some more once the batteries charge up

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Easy as a point & shoot - fiddled with the settings a little & got batt flattery so can't say too much, though first impression is great!

Got it on special for $199 - seems everywhere had it for $399 a month ago & now Harvey Norman, Officeworks and K Mart all locally have it for $199?!? Fast end of life I guess?

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nice fish what does nls stand for ash?.also how do you find his temperament.ive got a small one and hes a bit of a fairy which is a good thing for what i want him for but i was just curious to see how they go as they mature

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Yellow - NLS = New Life Spectrum He's had both cichlid & large fish formula, same stuff different pellet size.

He's a bit of a sook, he beat around the severums I had with him but previously a RD beat him around so he's pretty average as far as neotropicals go I suppose - similar to my texas I guess, not as rough as my black belt or RD, tougher than an oscar or severum


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Here's a pic of his tank...

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It's a 4x2x2 & there are two other synspilums (~10cm), a 12cm pictus & a 25cm gibby. Filtration is a DIY wet/dry powered by a King-3.

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