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Red Terrors


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G'day raisehand.gif

i have a few festae still juvies, and was just wondering when they will get there colours cuz atm they are pretty boring and plain, and at times show there stripes to the oscars.... smile.gif

cheers, Ryan

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Only the females really show good colour (IMHO). They'll colour up as they approach full size. In saying that the colours they do show are unlikely virually any other cichlid.


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how big are they? I'd be unconcerned if they are really bland until they get over 12-15cm, it's the norm for most American cichlasomines.

you seen pics of Uro's to tell the difference to set your mind at ease?

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i got mine from pat and only one of the females coloured up ;

1. i think they need a dominant male

2. they need to be angry at something or like many females ,everything

3. brooding,this is when they show there best colour

mine started fighting so i took the female out and put her back with the others and she reverted back to camoflauge mode but the male stayed coloured - chocolate brown with blue flecks and red fins

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