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Spinning arms for sumps?


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At the september meeting the man giving a talk on discus said he made these i think confused.gif If anyone knows him or who I'm talking about please put us in touch.

I need 2. either 2nd hand or new.

Sorry i know this is a WTB ad but I posted there too and I'm opening up here for conversation or advice.

Cheers Couchy thumbup.gif

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His name, I think, was John Franklin, But I am not sure if thats him and weather he comes on the forums. There is a on-line store that sells them, HERE, They $45 each and I doubt you could buy the parts and make them any cheaper. The other option is to use a drip tray.


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There is quite a few people that make them some are better than other. It depends what size spinning arm you want. I have a few they are 25mm x 15mm. There is also 32mm x 20mm and 40mm x 25mm. It pays to get one that has nylon roller bearing these last longer. The guy Josh is talking about is John Franken he is on the committee of the NSWCS.

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Does he post on here or can i get in touch with him (with your help?) the 25X15 will do the job but will get the bigger ones if price is right i'll adapt the system to suit either size. Cheers Couchy. Thanks for your help thumbup.gif

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